Educational Resources
Lessons & Activities
Defining the Rule of LawIn this activity, the teacher and visiting lawyer will guide students in defining the rule of law as the basis of a free and open society. Students will be asked to write a definition of the rule of law on a post-it note as they enter the classroom. They will then view The Law Rules video and compare their notes to what Erica discusses in the video.
Learning circles place students in two concentric circles of equal numbers. The inner circle contains commentators facilitated by the teacher, and the outer circle consists of recorders/observers facilitate by the visiting lawyer. Commentators will discuss The Law Rules video and the observers will look for key ideas, issues, concepts, and questions.
Rule of Law BannersStudents will work individually to create a “Rule of Law” banner expressing the values, principles, and ideas important to the concept of the “rule of law.” In doing so, the students will demonstrate knowledge of the foundation of American constitutional government by explaining the fundamental principle of the rule of law.
Contemporary JusticeStudents will examine primary documents, specifically Bush Administration Department of Justice memos on approved interrogation techniques for suspected terrorists and President Obama's response to their release, to determine if the rule of law is being fairly applied to a specific situation. The teacher and visiting lawyer will guide the discussion.
What is the Rule of Law?This lesson is designed to help the teacher and the legal volunteer instruct students on defining the rule of law and the differences between our system of laws and that of other countries. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American constitutional government by explaining the fundamental principles of the rule of law.
Rights and the Rule of LawThis activity is geared towards having the teacher and visiting legal volunteer to involve students in a discussion about the relationship between “personal rights” and the rule of law. Students will complete a chart looking at the meaning and importance of rights provided by the Constitution.
Truancy Debate Activity
A Virginia legislator wants to address the serious problem of truancy in Hilltown's public schools. We have left the format of the lesson open to the educator, be it debate, role play, or class discussion. The necessary elements of the situation are provided, as well as pros and cons to the proposed law.
Rule of Law QuizmasterWhat Rights are Guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? and Who said it? Quizmasters will be constructed from handouts. Students can then quiz one another about the Amendments and quotes concerning justice, fairness, stability, and equality. Special thanks to John Koehler for this activity.
Rule of Law & National Security Mock Hearing
You are a congressional committee advising the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on May 1, 2025. Over the course of the past several years, the Agency has seen a rise in the occurrence of both domestic and international terrorism. With increasing frequency, the groups responsible for this terrorist activity have sought to recruit United States citizens to join their organizations and engage in violent terrorist activity within the United States.
Challenges of Sexual Misconduct on College CampusesThis is adapted from a program created by U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert S. Ballou. The following activity exposes students to the timely issue of sexual misconduct on college campuses. While not every student will attend college, every student should understand their personal rights protected by the Bill of Rights.